A garden gift for a teacher. . .Personalized Stone. . .Iron Hanging Basket with Coco Liner. . .Welcome to My Garden Sign. . .A Flowering Plant To Get Started.

The year is 1940. British school children are starting a garden. The mounds of earth behind them is an air raid shelter.

A new life right in your hands all ready to grow up toward the light.

This drawing says it all doesn't it? If they see you planting a garden that's all the incentive a child needs to get interested in plants and how to grow them.

Children actually enjoy eating vegetables. . .especially the ones they grow themselves. An easy project to introduce to your kids is starting seeds indoors. Beans and spinach seeds can be started now. As soon as seedlings have two leaves, move them to bigger pots and put outside as soon as the snow and ice disappear and the night temperature stays above freezing.
Kids love to water the little plants. Give them the job.
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